All You Need To Know As You Prepare For Accreditation Assessment of Your Conformity Assessment Body

By EIAC | May 28, 2020
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Assessment is a process undertaken by an accreditation body such as EIAC to determine the competence of a conformity assessment body (such as certification body, laboratory, inspection body), based on standard(s) and/or other normative documents and for a defined scope of accreditation.

Document Review

Once your application for accreditation is accepted by the EIAC, next step is document review. The EIAC’s nominated assessment team will conduct the review of your documents (systems manual, procedures, standard operating procedures, scheme documents, work instructions, policies, forms etc) and inform you about the adequacy of documents.

Initial Accreditation Assessment

Initial assessment is conducted on-site at client’s premises. Initial accreditation assessment include assessment of management and technical systems according to the relevant accreditation criteria (standard, requirements  & other normative documents) and assessment of technical competence by witness of applicable scope. At the end of the assessment, an assessment report and where applicable assessment findings and corrective action reports are provided to the client conformity assessment body for their necessary action.

Accreditation Decision

Once corrective actions (where applicable) for assessment findings are accepted and closed by the assessment team, the case file is transferred for accreditation decision. The accreditation body shall ensure that each decision on granting, maintaining, extending, reducing, suspending and withdrawing accreditation is taken by competent person(s) or committee(s) different from those who carried out the assessment.

Accreditation Certificate

Upon positive accreditation decision, the accreditation certificate shall be issued for the accreditation cycle. The accredited companies (conformity assessment bodies) are entitled to use EIAC accreditation symbol for the accredited scope. Before using EIAC accreditation symbol or any reference to EIAC accreditation/ symbol, the accredited conformity assessment bodies are required to take formal approval from EIAC for the use of EIAC accreditation symbol or any reference regarding EIAC accreditation.

Surveillance and Re-assessment

The EIAC shall conduct periodic surveillance assessments during the three year accreditation cycle and a reassessment before the expiry of accreditation certificate. 


If you are dissatisfied relating to the activities of EIAC or of an EIAC’s accredited conformity assessment body, you have a right of complaint. The EIAC ensures that decision to be communicated to the complainant shall be made by, or reviewed and approved by, individual(s) not involved in the activities in question. Investigation and decision on complaints shall not result in any discriminatory actions against the complainant.


If you have a request for reconsideration of any adverse accreditation decision related to your desired accreditation status, you have a right of appeal. The EIAC ensures that decision to be communicated to the appellant shall be made by, or reviewed and approved by, individual(s) not involved in the activities in question. Investigation and decision on appeals shall not result in any discriminatory actions.


Tags : Conformity Assessment Body; Training; Guide


Tags : Conformity Assessment Body; Training; Guide

EIAC , Author



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