EIAC’s Accreditation scheme for PT Providers

By EIAC | March 28, 2023
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EIAC’s Accreditation scheme for Proficiency Testing (PT) Providers is fully functional.

The accreditation scheme was launched in 2020.

Global Proficiency Testing Company (GPTC), Dubai become the first company to receive EIAC’s accreditation. GPTC’s scope of accreditation covers Water Chemistry for Sulphate, Chloride and pH Value, Water Microbiology for Legionella, TBC, Coliform, Fecal coliforms, E. Coli, Fecal Streptococci, Clostridium perfringens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Construction Material (Water Proofing Membrane) for Tensile, Elongation and Thickness. The GPTC’s scope also covers Mass Calibration for Conventional Mass with Precision Weights (1 mg – 50 kg).

Ms. Amina Ahmed Mohammed EIAC CEO congratulated the management of GPTC.

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