How to get an ISO certification for your organisation?

By EIAC | May 28, 2020
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The International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) is an organisation that develops international standards for products, systems, services & business processes. However, this organisation neither undertakes certification of businesses nor issues certificates to them. There are several independent (third party) certification bodies/registrars all around the world that can grant ISO certification to your company for various ISO standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000 and many more management systems standards.

Whom to approach for ISO certification?

The ISO certification process and issue of certificates is performed by third party Certification Bodies or Registration bodies or Registrars which are accredited by the member accreditation bodies of International Accreditation Forum (IAF). So, for instance, if you wish to obtain an ISO certification in Dubai, you can look for an ISO certification body which is accredited by the Emirates International Accreditation Centre (EIAC).

What are the steps to get ISO Certification?

Once you decide to get ISO certification for your organisation, you should get training on the relevant ISO standard. Most ISO certification standards provide guidance for use along with requirements. Most ISO certification standards suggest Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) concept for organizations.

Documentation– Organize your documents to suit the requirement of your system. Your management systems documents must address and satisfy all the applicable requirements of relevant ISO standard and any other associated certification criteria.

Implementation– Train your employees to be organised and to follow the documented requirements. The requirements must be implemented in your organization.

Internal audit & management review– Effective completion of these steps will ensure conformance to the relevant certification criteria. It is a good idea to train your own staff to conduct internal audits.

Certification– The most important step is stage 1 and stage 2 certification audits conducted by the third party certification body.  After successful and satisfactory completion of the certification audit and subsequent certification decision, your company will be awarded with the ISO certificate. However, if the systems and documents are not found satisfactory, nonconformity(ies) shall be highlighted and you have to and take necessary corrective actions. In case of major conforformity, a follow-up audit may be required.

Maintaining Certification

The work does not end after your company earns the ISO certificate. Once you get the certification, it becomes very essential to continue following the system and maintaining the certification status. Most certifications are valid for a period of 3 years, subject to the satisfactory periodic surveillance audits.

Tags : ISO; Certification; Guide

EIAC , Author



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