New accreditation scheme for management systems certification bodies

By EIAC | August 10, 2023
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The concepts of tolerance and coexistence in UAE are considered as fundamental to maintain social harmony and peace based on cultural pluralism, accepting others, and rejecting discrimination, hatred and intolerance in society. The UAE has issued UAE Standard UAE.S 5037: 2021 “Tolerance and Coexistence” for promotion of tolerance and coexistence.

The Emirates International Accreditation Centre (EIAC) accreditation is working to launch an accreditation scheme in collaboration with UAE Ministry of Tolerance & Coexistence for management systems certification bodies for ISO 17021-1 accreditation for UAE S. 5037: 2021 “Tolerance and Coexistence.

The scheme requirements and further information will be available in the coming weeks.

Certification bodies and stakeholders are invited to provide input for the scheme.

For more information, please contact or

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